What is awe and how does It influence our Behavior?"

Yosemite National Park, Van Gough’s fields, Schrödinger’s Equation, and the cosmos all elicit a similar reaction. “Awesome” may have degenerated into a sloppy phrase, but real awe is a concrete force that shapes our minds and behaviour. Recent research has begun to address this emotion and its effects, both personally and in the wider context of our humanity.

In this salon we will discuss moments of artistic exaltation, spiritual reverence, and intellectual epiphany, fitting them into the research attempting to define awe, its effects on adjacent behaviours, and how it forces us to rearrange our cognitive frameworks.

Join us for a lively discussion! Doors at 8pm, talk begins at 8.30pm on the dot. Suggested donation is $5. We provide free in house childcare at all our events, drop us a line if you would like to make use of this service :)

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