A Basic Income In America?

A Basic Income is a form of social welfare where people are unconditionally secured a basic level of income. Contrary to intuition America actually already has a patchwork of policies that resemble a partial Basic Income, including include Social Security, Disability, food stamps, and more recently Earned Income Tax Credits. Come with questions and an open mind to learn about and discuss the future of the American basic income policies.

Some suggested discussion questions are:

  • Should America expand its partial basic income?
  • Assuming America should have a basic income, should America expand its existing basic income programs or replace them with one unified federal policy?
  • Will people not work if they're secured an basic income?
  • Do technologists who are responsible for the automation of the global and national economy have a greater responsibility to secure the benefits of automation to all people?
  • What would be the most efficient and effective way to realize a full American basic income?
  • What are the perhaps unexpected splash effects of a full basic income?

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