Restorative Justice
“Restorative justice is a process where all the stakeholders affected by an injustice have an opportunity to discuss how they have been affected by the injustice and to decide what should be done to repair the harm.” Braithwaite (2004:28)
_“Crime is an opportunity to prevent greater evils, to confront crime with a grace that transforms human lives to paths of love and giving.” _Braithwaite (1999:2)
Transformative Justice
Transformative justice (TJ) takes a stronger approach. Rather than simply seeking to restore the actors, TJ sets out to transform them for the better (ref). For us, we choose TJ as we do not hope to restore the relationship between those that harm and those harmed to that which it was before the harms took place, but to transform it into something better.
We aim to not provide restitution, peace and healing to the harmed/victim, but also to improve the overall situation for the victim, the offender, and the community at large.
Alternative Justice
Many consider RJ and TJ to be overlapping projects. We use Alt J as an umbrella term for them both.